Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcEducation And Research InstituteTender ValueN.A.
LocationBihar - India Ref.No74883296
Closing Date17 - Sep - 2024
Invites Proposals (Two Bid System) from reputed and experienced organizations for selection of an agency which will provide a) Knowledge FrameWork (Portal) for all Skill Development Programs Management (KFP- SDPM) b)eContent for skill development courses (as and when prescribed) which will run in a quasi- online medium through Learning Management System (LMS) c)Learning Management System (LMS) for skill development courses (as and when prescribed) which will run in a quasi-online medium having e Content d) Printing and Transportation of Books at the respective skill development centers - for courses which will run in a quasi-online medium through LMS and eContent (like KYP and BSCFA Course which is currently being implemented by BSDM) e)State-wide Implementation, Monitoring, Periodic Maintenance & Updation (of Portal, eContent and LMS) and other Operational Supports (Like Manpower Deployment) etc. for entire contract duration under Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model for Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM).
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